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LM2596 DC - DC Buck Converter
PAM 8610 Amplifier Module
SD Card Module
12V Solenoid Electromagnetic Door Lock
TSOP IR Receiver Module for Arduino
13.56 MHz RFID Card
4 Keys Switch Input Module
BMP180 Pressure Sensor Module
BMP280 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor I2C/SPI Module
L293D Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
5V Stepper Motor(28YBJ-48) with ULN2003 Driver Board
I2C Module for 16x2 (1602) Character LCD
FS1000A 433mHz Transmitter Receiver RF Radio Module
MQ135 - Air Quality Gas Sensor Module
MQ-2 Smoke LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module
18650X2 Double Battery Cell Holder/Case with Wire
ESP32 CAM WiFi Module Bluetooth with OV2640 Camera Module 2MP Face Recognization
Rain Drop Sensor Module
L298N 2A Dual Motor Driver Module with PWM Control
MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter Heart Rate Sensor Module